Ryan Hansen Following the wake of Cyber Monday, many of us are eagerly awaiting the arrival of packages at our front door. With online shopping as popular as it is, we now do the bulk of our holiday shopping online. But would you believe, 23 million Americans have had packages stolen from their homes before they could open them? The reality is, there are Grinches among us. And although they may not steal Christmas entirely, they may have just made off with your delivery from Amazon. According to a new insuranceQuotes.com report, thieves are taking advantage of online shopping’s popularity and stealing would-be Christmas gifts at an alarming rate. But that’s not the only thing you have to worry about this holiday season. insuranceQuotes.com’s recent press release puts a seasonal twist on insurance industry data by warning consumers about the perils of the holidays. In this Content We Love, we’ll explore three takeaways from insuranceQuotes.com’s release that you can use in your own communications. B2Cs Aren’t the Only Ones Who Can Spread Holiday Joy Many people associate the use of holiday content solely with B2Cs. Although it may be easier for B2Cs to leverage recipes, holiday giving, and other topics in their communications (check out our last Content We Love for a great example of this), holiday content opportunities also abound for savvy B2B marketers. Take insuranceQuotes.com, for example. In addition to offering consumers an insurance comparison shopping site, the company offers a customer acquisition platform for insurance agents and carriers. So, while insuranceQuotes.com’s partnership with agent and carrier businesses is very important, they understand the end-consumer is another key audience to cultivate. This overlap in audiences opens up opportunities for insuranceQuotes.com to create holiday-themed content that accommodates both parties. Repurposing a business report into something of interest for consumers is a smart move. Bite-Size Graphics Are a Sweet Touch For anyone outside of the insurance industry, reading a hefty research report about household dangers may not seem like a lot of fun. insuranceQuotes.com alleviates this roadblock by creating an infographic that presents their research’s key stats in an easy-to-digest format. The infographic you’ll find at the top of this blog post enables the content’s audience to quickly access and absorb the information. By breaking down that information into bite-sized data, it becomes manageable and memorable — two characteristics of strong content. Keep Your Holiday Story Simple In addition to multimedia that makes the research accessible to all audiences, insuranceQuotes.com’s overall press release presents their content’s story in a relate-able way — through the lens of common household and everyday issues. In the release, mail theft isn’t just a crime, it is morphed into a “holiday hazard,” just like the fire you experienced last November when your uncle forgot to thaw the turkey before deep frying it. They’re all consequences of the season. “The holidays are a great time, but all the commotion and celebrating can sometimes cause people to be too relaxed,” says Laura Adams, senior analyst for insuranceQuotes.com, in the press release. “No one is thinking of a broken leg or a house fire as they’re sipping eggnog and socializing with family, but these things do happen and it is better to be prepared than to let it ruin your whole holiday.” What may not traditionally sound like a Christmas or holiday-related event becomes a seasonal threat and something readers can relate to. This piques the audience’s interest and resonates with them, meaning the next time they order gifts online, they may be shopping for homeowners insurance as well. From showcasing industry research to contributing to your company's demand generation strategy, press releases have evolved into a tactic that can achieve many different objectives. Download our e-guide Reach Your Communications Objectives with an Intelligent Mix of Tactics to read more use cases of content we love. Author Ryan Hansen (@RPH2004) manages social media at PR Newswire, sharing the latest PR, marketing and social media trends across our networks. See what he's up to around the PR Newswire offices by following @PRNewswire on Instagram. |
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