Wednesday, November 4, 2015

[New Post] Why Micro-Moments Matter and 3 Ways to Connect Them with Your Content



Why Micro-Moments Matter and 3 Ways to Connect Them with Your Content

Danielle Ferris

Micro Moments - Connecting Content with Customers

Marketing and PR teams are experiencing a shift in how the media, customers and influencers interact with their brand's content.

Today’s audience can now discover and engage with your content in any number of channels, for many different reasons, and on more than one occasion.

The industry has begun defining these individual interactions as micro-moments, and it's a trend that brands need to tap into if they want to continue driving demand.

Here are three steps every marketing and PR pro can take to start leveraging micro-moments in their communications.

Continually Optimize Your Content Creation for the Buyer's Needs

One of the biggest shifts that micro-moments have triggered is the way marketers and PR professionals are tailoring their content to the changing needs of their buyer.

For example, a study by Google found that 82% of smartphone users turn to their phone to influence a product decision. As Micah Leibowitz, PR Newswire’s Director, Digital and Events Marketing, explains, "The shift to mobile is making how your brand interacts with buyers more and more important. Mobile is driving the need for content that’s more friendly, more shareable and more engaging – being accessible is only half the battle."

As buyers interact with you on the go, content must make it easier for them to make an informed decision, in the moment. These individual decisions add up over time and are instrumental in turning prospects to customers and customers to brand advocates.

Develop a Multichannel Approach to Reach Your Buyer at Every Moment

Consumers have the ability to access your content from multiple devices and channels depending on their preference. Your content’s creation and distribution plans should be aligned to provide a seamless experience across all channels.

To this point, Micah says, "The device your audience uses to engage with your content can say a lot. Where they engage can help you refine your approach in how you serve content to your audience." A consistent and continuous approach across all channels and devices can encourage further engagement with the buyer and ultimately lead to a purchasing decision.

Measure the Moments that Matter

As with anything else, analytics are essential to understanding how micro-moments apply to your brand.

When you're thinking about the content you create and the channels you use to share it, you should actively report on what moments are making your buyer engage, interact and most importantly, purchase.

This will help you fine-tune your brand's strategy and more effectively tap into these micro-moments to encourage more purchases.

As content consumption behaviors continue to evolve, marketing and PR professionals need to shift how they target audiences by leveraging a multichannel approach and taking advantage of every moment a potential buyer is engaging with their brand.

PR Newswire will explore this topic further on Thursday, November 12th when we bring together some of the industry's top influencers to share how they are tapping into the needs of the consumer.

Join us via live video stream for Content Meets Innovation: Engage with the Influencers, a free one-day event.


Our first panel, from 11:30 – 12:30 PM EST, will discuss the shift in content consumption habits. Ken Winkco, SVP of Marketing at PR Newswire will be joined by Steve Rubel, EVP/Global Strategy and Insights at Edelman, Fiorelli Salvo, Senior Communications Manager at Mashable, and Dori Fern, Digital Strategist at MXM.

During our second panel, from 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST, Michael Pranikoff, Global Director of Emerging Media at PR Newswire, will sit with David Berkowitz, CMO at Agency MRY, Paul Kontonis, CMO at Digiday, and Winkco to discuss the concept of micro-moments and how to tap into every interaction that consumers have with your brand.

Register now, then tune in on November 12th to participate in this special live stream.

Author Danielle Ferris is happiest on the beach, an avid spinner, and marketing coordinator at PR Newswire.

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