Saturday, October 24, 2015

[SCI's StorInt Newsletter] Latest SPC-1 and SPC-2 performance results and Brocade's new Analytics Monitoring Platform appliance in August's issue

Silverton Consulting
StorInt™ Newsletter - Issue 96 -  August 2015


In this month's newsletter, we publish our review of  the latest SPC-1 and SPC-2 performance results f and discuss Brocade's new Analytics Monitoring Platform system announcement. 

There were 5 new SPC-1 results (EMC, HP, 2 for Infortrend and NEC) and two new SPC-2 reports (EMC and Oracle). This is the first time that EMC has submitted SPC benchmarks and their results were pretty impressive.  Read the report to learn more ...

The new solution provides detailed metrics and statistics on FC IO traffic on all ports coming in and out of a switch/director and installs completely non-disruptively with a single cable to a switch/director. The metrics monitored span host port activity, throughout the fabric and all the way out to the storage and back again. The new platform would be a great diagnostic tool for any data center with a complex Brocade FC SAN environment. Read the report to learn more ...

RayOnStorage top blog post(s)  


Flash's only at 5% of data storage

At Flash Memory Summit this past month, Micron's VP of Storage, Darren Thomas said that Flash was only 5% of enterprise data storage shipped in 2014. Hearing all the comments about flash reaching price parity with disk storage, the fact that flash's only 5% of data storage seems an eye opener. Darren talked about what he thought needed to be done to increase the rate of flash adoption in the enterprise and it's not about the technology.  Read the post to find out more. ..


GreyBeards on Storage podcast


For this month's podcast,  the GreyBeards talk VMware agents backup with Chris Wahl, Tech Evangelist Rubrik. Chris is a long time blogger and Tech Field Day participant who has been recruited to bring some social media activity to Rubrik. When we talked with Chris he had been with the company about 3 weeks but he seemed to field our questions fairly well for being a newbie. Rubric has a scale-out, 2U appliance that is used to backup VM data and can backup data to the appliance as well as archive backup data to the (S3 or SWIFT) cloud storage.  One of the interesting capabilities is that they crack open the VMDKs and can search backup data for file meta-data that is onprem as well as in the cloud. Listen to the podcast to learn more...


What you may have missed in last month's issue


Latest Microsoft ESRP performance report
There was only one new Microsoft ESRP (Exchange Solution Reviewed Program) submission in the 1000 mailbox and under category, this past nine months,  an HP MSA 1040. The HP MSA storage managed to rank in the top ten in a number of our ESRP metrics. Read the report to learn more ...

The new storage family includes two new systems a revamped ETERNUS DX8700 S3 and new scale-out ETERNUS DX8900 S3 storage system.  This is all made possible with the new DX8000 S3 Qual Star architecture that supports a new front end, any-to-any router that can connect any host FC port to any controller in the system. The ETERNUS DX8900 S3 can scale from two to 24 controllers and the DX8700 S3 can scale from two to eight controllers. Read the report to learn more ...
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