Monday, March 21, 2016

extramarital affairs horoscope extramarital affairs status astrological remedies for extramarital affairs 11th house extramarital affairs illicit relationship of gandhi illicit relationship with sister in law illicit relationship of indira illegal relationship with neighbour

 extramarital affairs horoscope extramarital affairs status astrological remedies for extramarital affairs 11th house extramarital affairs illicit relationship of sonia gandhi illicit relationship with sister in law illicit relationship of indira gandhi illegal relationship with neighbour

Infidelity or cheating on a partner is a sad part of many relationships. Nevertheless it exists and happens due to diverse reasons. Most people who cheat think that s/he can get better sex outside a relationship and not get caught while doing it. They also believe that there are no consequences to it.

One of the many reasons for cheating is the suffering of one partner from an illness that saps the sexual desire. Other reasons include impotency, inability to consummate the union and psychological causes. Plain philandering perhaps will remain an ever present reason for infidelity.

What ever the reasons, Vedic astrology looks at this problem in a different way. Male and female fidelity has some common reasons but both have individual causes too. We shall examine these in detail.

Common causes – Role of Lagna or birth ascendant

Some ascendants are more inclined towards sex than others. The seventh house in a chart represents the male female union. The twelfth indicates the pleasures of the bed. Together they shed a lot of light on the sexual proclivity of a person.

Venus makes a person attractive to the opposite sex, and is the complete representative of sexual desire and happiness in sexual union. If Venus becomes the lord of the seventh and twelfth houses, a person will be extremely interested in sex. Should Venus be exalted, she will increase this desire even further.

For Scorpio ascendant, Venus becomes the lord of the seventh and twelfth houses. If she is placed in Pisces in the fifth house, she will increase the desire to have sex tremendously. Fifth house represents the romantic partner. Tender romantic feelings also come under the domain of this house. Exalted Venus here will give a boost to both. From here Venus aspects the eleventh house of acquisition and gains. It will therefore be very easy for a male or female find sex partners easily. As a matter of fact such people take only a few minutes to find a partner in any social setting. The term sex addict was perhaps coined to depict such persons. Similar results will obtain if Venus goes to Libra in the twelfth house.

For Taurus ascendant, Mars becomes the lord of the seventh and twelfth houses and placement of Mars in the twelfth house in Aries will give similar albeit less potent results.

For Aries ascendant, placement of seventh lord Venus in the twelfth house gives quite similar results as here too the lord of the relationships becomes exalted in the house of sexual gratification. In general the exaltation of the seventh lord guarantees ease of finding sex partners. It is however essential that he is not associated or aspected by Sun, Saturn or Rahu, the separative trio of our planetary system.

Exchange of the lords of the seventh and twelfth houses

As mentioned above, both these houses are intimately connected to sex. If the seventh lord is placed in the twelfth and the twelfth lord in seventh, it creates a powerful Yog for sex gratification by any means. Should this happen, the seventh lord will be in the sixth house from itself while the twelfth lord will occupy the eighth house. Both are in effect bad places for the two lords.

In fact simple placement of the seventh lord in the twelfth house can make a person exceptionally sex hungry. Indeed the author of celebrated classic Dev Keralam writes, “If the seventh lord occupies the twelfth house the native is sex ridden. He has no regard for the time of the day(or place).”

Mars symbolizes the male energy while the female energy is represented by Venus. If Mars and Venus are placed together in a horoscope, they usually indicate an enhanced sex drive.

If Mars is linked to Venus and the seventh house lord the person is oversexed and will not hesitate to venture outside the boundary of a relationship.

Second, fourth, seventh and tenth house lords

The lords of these houses play a pivotal role in determining whether one is a loyal partner or not.

Ramanujcharya, the celebrated author of ‘Bhavarth Ratnakar’ opines that presence of Mercury in the seventh house causes desire to have sex outside marriage. Same is true for Mars and Sun. He further says that the lords of the second, seventh and tenth houses in the fourth give extra marital sex. Why should it be so?

The fourth house represents the general population or people at large. The tenth house is the seventh from the fourth and so represents the sex organs of the masses. Seventh house is also the house of one’s own sex organs. The second house is the eleventh from fourth and so represents the arms or deliberate action of an individual. The convergence of all these influences gives a desire to unite with the opposite sex from the masses.

‘Sarvarth Chintamani’ another celebrated classic authored by Vyankatesh Sharma goes one step further and says that if even one of the lords of the second, seventh or tenth is in the fourth, it causes extra marital sex.

It says that the lords of Lagna second and sixth house if connected to malefics give sex outside marriage. Same thing happens if Saturn is placed in the seventh with the seventh lord.

Weak Moon in the seventh house with a malefic and the seventh lord in Lagna with a malefic also give infidelity.

Some other combinations from Sarvarth Chintamani

The lords of the twelfth and second house in the third gives many women. The effect increases if Jupiter or the ninth lord aspect the third house.

The Yoga formed by the lords of the seventh and eleventh wither together or opposite to each other gives many relationships.

Role of Nakshatras

Nakshatra(constellations) are the templates of our lives and generally indicate the characteristics of a person accurately. Of the 27 Nakshatras that Vedic astrology considers, Ashlesha, Shravan and Shatabhishaj Nakshatra are more prone to sex outside marriage.

It is important that these points be examined holistically and not piecemeal. It will be cruel to look at a horoscope and give a judgment about one’s fidelity based on one occurrence alone. Human relations are fragile, and great care must be taken when reading a horoscope.

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