Wednesday, January 20, 2016

[New Post] Press Release Tips from A to Z [Infographic]



Press Release Tips from A to Z [Infographic]

Amanda Hicken


Regardless of whether your company publishes a press release once per month or once per day, you could probably write one with your eyes closed, right?

It’s easy to become a press release zombie — satisfied with the status quo, complacent with your press release distribution strategy and the media pickup you’ve generated.

However, just because you can do something the same way over and over again, doesn’t mean you should.

Public relations and marketing have changed a lot over the past few years. With these changes have come more reasons to send a press release, new tips for writing a press release, and better technology for distributing a press release.

Sure, most of us know that press releases are no longer used for the sole purpose of driving earned media, and including a photo with your news release is now a must, not a nice-to-have.

But have you considered including a lead generation form with your press release or using your reporting to A/B test different press release tactics?

As our Press Release Boot Camp checklist shows, there are a lot of things to keep track of when sending press releases. Sometimes you need to go back to basics to make sure you don’t lose your way.

To help you out, we’ve put our heads together to come up with the ABCs of press releases.

We’re not just dotting Is and crossing Ts. The following graphic offers up press release tips for every letter of the alphabet (even X!).

When sending a press release, there can be a lot of pieces to juggle. Check out PR Newswire's A-to-Z press release tips for a refresher on how to write and distribute content that not just gets noticed, but also drives audience action.


Before submitting your next press release, take a moment to make sure you have everything you need — from proper source attribution to captions for your visuals.

Check out our free white paper Press Release Boot Camp: What You Need to Know for more tips on how to write and distribute press releases that get noticed and read.


Amanda Hicken is PR Newswire's senior manager of strategic content and managing editor of Beyond PR. Follow her on Twitter @ADHicken for tweets about the media, marketing, Cleveland, and comic books.

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