Thursday, June 30, 2016

June StorInt Newsletter, latest SPEC SFS2014 performance and NetApp ONTAP 9 & SolidFire new hw, sw & licensing

In this month's newsletter, we publish our review of the latest SPEC SFS2014 storage performance results and report on NetApp ONTAP 9 release, SolidFire SF19210 appliance hardware, ElementOS 9 release and new capacity based licensing model announcements.
Latest SPEC SFS2014 VDA & SWBUILD workload storage performance report 

We finally have some SPEC SFS2014 submissions to report on. They were for the VDA (video data acquisition) and SWBUILD (software build) workloads and are cluster file servers.   Read the report to learn more.  
NetApp announces new ONTAP 9 storage software and SolidFire, a NetApp company, announces new hardware, software and licensing model 

NetApp has announced their latest ONTAP 9 storage software for their appliances, converged infrastructure, software defined storage and cloud storage offerings. Recently acquired SolidFire also announced new hardware appliance, new storage software and a new flash capacity licensing model which got a lot of interest from the analyst community.  Read the report to learn more. 
RayOnStorage top blog post(s)
 Testing filesystems for CPU core scalability - At Usenix ATC'16 this past month there were a number of interesting papers presented. One that specifically caught my interest was on a new FxMark benchmark that tortured Linux filesystems while increasing the number of CPU cores until they turned over and died.  Read the post find out the bad news.
 33: Greybeards talk HPC storage with Frederic Van Haren, founder HighGFens & former Sr. Director of HPC at Nuance - Frederic has a very fascinating view on what future storage will look like from his time working at Nuance's HPC environment. They had a large, multiPB/billion files or so, IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) system that over the years used everything from Coraid AoE, HP MSA and HP 3PAR StoreServ storage. HPC appears smitten with large file repositories and how they manage this flock of billions of files becomes an ongoing challenge.  Listen to the podcast to learn more...  

What you may have missed last month
We review the 14 new (11 SPC-1 & 3 SPC-2) benchmark submissions, including another software defined storage submission and a slew of new AFAs. A number of our top ten charts have new members.   Read the report to learn more. 

EMC has just revamped their mid-range storage line with a new unified architecture supporting file and block storage in a new 2U dual controller architecture. The new Unity storage replaces the whole VNX product line with a brand new storage OS and hardware solutions.  Read the report to learn more.

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[New Post] Campus Media 101: What You Need to Know to Reach Student Journalists and Their Audiences



Campus Media 101: What You Need to Know to Reach Student Journalists and Their Audiences

Alexa Hoffman

Campus Media 101 Content Distribution Tips

We're at the cusp of a new generation reaching adulthood. Is your content reaching them?

The up-and-coming Generation Z (also called Gen Z and Centennials, born 1998 or later) are starting to turn 18 on the heels of the late-year Millennials (born 1981-1997), and both generations together already boast about $650 billion in purchasing power.

Given the potential revenue derived from this market, and the research that shows Gen Z will be even more powerful and larger than Millennials, the question in any marketing and PR pro's mind shouldn't be "Should I reach young adults?" but "How should I reach young adults?"

One answer may surprise you. Rather than focusing solely on social media and mobile, as brands tend to do when considering younger markets, you can target 18- to 22-year-olds at student-run media organizations on college campuses.

The college newspaper. The university radio or TV station. Community college newsletters or magazines. All of them contain content created and curated by students on that campus.

These are not trade journalists looking to cover the higher education industry; they have their place at other publications. These are students who are traditionally straddling that generational divide and sharing their content all across campus.

Campus Newspapers: The Digital Revolution Is (Also) Here

Let's consider the campus newspaper in more depth. While some publications have reduced print frequency in the face of the changing media landscape, the amount of content being produced by their newsrooms has not changed. It has gone digital.

Campus newspapers all across the country are still being tasked with curating and creating content for the campus community on the whole; now, the format is split between website and print editions.

Research from re:fuel has shown how effective it is to reach students at their campus newspapers. Students use their newspapers for more than just campus news; they use it to make purchasing decisions (33%) and to find coupons and promo codes (more than 50%). Moreover, they usually share each print copy with at least one other person, so distribution is maximized.


Broadcast: Increased Collaboration Between Campus and Local Media

Broadcast media also is branching out more online, so the websites associated with the college-hosted radio and TV stations show the same volume of content that might be prepared for on-air dissemination. But many student-run broadcast media organizations engage even beyond the campus walls by partnering with community television and radio stations.

Take WOUB, for example, out of Ohio University. According to its website, WOUB-TV is "a non-academic unit of Ohio University's Scripps College of Communication" and a PBS affiliate. It covers local news stories stretching across 55 counties in 4 states, in addition to content for students.

Furthermore, WOUB-TV's sister radio stations, WOUB-FM (an NPR affiliate out of Athens) and WOUB-AM (a community radio station that broadcasts BBC content, among other items) are part of the overall Ohio University Public Radio network.

While these organizations have listeners and viewers outside the university walls, students are heavily involved with content selection and comprise a solid portion of its audience.

College Media Content: Tailor to Students’ Interests

The students who work in these on-campus media organizations cover some of the same beats as journalists in media organizations all around the country: local to national news, yes, but also health, technology, politics, finance (student loans, anyone?), employment, entertainment, etc.

Further, research has shown that Millennials – and Gen Z is expected to follow suit – use ad blockers for most of their content.

Ads don't work, but content that matters does.

If you are able to get your content in front of the reporters and editors deciding what content will be placed in print publications, broadcast on TV or radio, and added online, you can bypass advertising’s hurdles and reach your target audience.

When considering your communications approach with the generations that are rapidly beginning to represent a bulk of the consumer economy, don't get stuck focusing on social media and mobile alone.

You know where the students are – go after them. Download our Quick & Easy Guide to Sharing Your Press Release with the World and learn how to prepare and distribute press releases that will grab the media’s attention.

Author Alexa Hoffman is PR Newswire's senior product manager for US distribution, which reaches thousands of student journalists as part of the broadest group of US-based journalists, consumers, bloggers and investors in the industry. Follow her at @PRNlgbt, where she co-curates PR Newswire's Twitter channel dedicated to LGBT news and culture and connect with her on LinkedIn.

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