Friday, June 3, 2016

[New Post] 3 PR Tactics That Support Investor Relations in Booms & Busts



3 PR Tactics That Support Investor Relations in Booms & Busts

Danielle Capriato

IR and PR Teamwork Tips

It's true that investor relations and public relations perform different functions, serve different internal and external audiences, and operate under their own sets of best practices or – in the case of IR – regulations.

And because IR and PR often don't have the same specific objectives or report to the same supervisors, it's not uncommon for each team to work independently with little to no collaboration.

This is a mistake.

Collaboration between PR and IR can be critical to presenting a cohesive brand message, and an integrated communications strategy allows both teams to demonstrate corporate value to all audiences.

This can be especially true during an economic downturn. As discussed in IR Best Practices to Weather an Economic Storm, "the basic principles of good investor relations apply to boom and bust times alike."

For example, take the oil and gas industry, which is one of the industries explored in our newest white paper. Falling prices and shrinking profits have created a challenging environment for businesses across the globe.

"There’s not a heck of a lot we can do about the economy," says Bradley H. Smith, Director of Marketing for IR & Compliance Solutions at PR Newswire/Vintage. "Markets do what markets do. Certainly the Investor Relations Officers working within the oil and gas sector are sorely aware of this."

Bradley suggests that in times of economic turmoil, PR needs to follow IR's lead—but IR should also be utilizing PR techniques.

"Weathering an economic storm is an instance where IR must take the communications lead," he says. "The DNA of IR is built for long-term messaging and results. IR has the patience for slow recovery."

While perhaps it is particularly important during times of economic distress, there are critical ways that PR can aid IR no matter the state of the economy.

Here are three tenets of strong investor relations and the PR tactics that will help in good times and bad.

Be consistent with shareholder communications

"Shareholder communications builds shareholder confidence and shareholder confidence builds shareholder value. That simple sentence is the strategic core to all the tools and tactics IR uses," says Bradley.

One main thing PR can do to help is maintain a steady cadence of press releases. This particular PR tactic is essential for keeping a company top-of-mind among a variety of audiences.

Establishing such a cadence will present a consistent voice and tone of content, and speaking with one unified voice across IR, PR and other channels is key to developing shareholders’ and the public’s trust.

If your brand already has a reputation in the marketplace as having a consistent voice, maintaining it during times of economic trouble will present a lasting, and strong, image that reinforces confidence among shareholders, customers, sales leads, and other audiences.


Highlight the strength of your management team

If your goal is to look strong—well, maybe this one is pretty obvious.

"The consistency of shareholder communications is essential to demonstrating the strength and stamina of a company's management team. Rather than going dark, a company's CEO needs to clearly communicate how they will work through the economy and maintain shareholder value," Bradley recommends.

Shareholder confidence will grow if they believe that your management team is moving the company in the right direction. Presenting such an image not only encourages investors to get on board, it can also impress current or potential customers.

If your CEO is a good speaker, says Bradley, promote him or her more. Get the entire executive board talking. "This may even be the time to finally bring the board out to meet investors," he adds.

This is a great place for PR to work with IR. The PR team has experience pitching internal experts and getting media placements. Collaborate with IR to target media outlets your investors follow, such as sources of financial news and trade publications.

Be absolutely transparent

While communicators of all stripes know the importance of showcasing the strengths of their company, transparency—even in down times—is just as critical to building positive sentiment around a brand.

Transparency can help prevent current shareholders from shorting their position in your stock and convince new investors to take a position before a financial bounceback.

"The downturn might not be your fault," says Bradley, "but it is your problem."

One thing to consider that will lead to more transparency: Don't be afraid to compare yourself to the rest of your industry.

"Usually we don't like to compare ourselves, but peer comparison could be helpful to show that misery loves company—it's not just us," Bradley explains. "You have to juxtapose your current situation with global conditions so investors can judge for themselves. Can the company make the case that selling short would be bad? Absolutely."

"Tell your bounceback story in real context of what the economy is doing in both the short and long term."

How can PR help? Monitor industry trends closely and consider all brand communications with that global context in mind. Showcase your awareness of the industry's ups and downs and be honest about your company's place in current events. This will allow you to connect with the public in an authentic way and increase confidence in your brand.

Even seasoned communicators struggle with the economy’s ups and downs. Download IR Best Practices to Weather an Economic Storm for tips from successful Investor Relations Officers about what, when and how to communicate effectively during an economic downturn.

Author Danielle Capriato is the manager of strategic communications at PR Newswire, where she writes, edits and manages distribution of press releases to promote the PR Newswire brand and content. Follow her on Twitter @dcapriato.

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

[New Post] Tiny House-Inspired Strategies for Press Release Writing



Tiny House-Inspired Strategies for Press Release Writing

Stephanie Marsh

Press Release Writing Tips from Tiny House Movement

Tiny houses have become quite the craze lately. While downsizing to a few hundred square feet may not work for everyone (my dog and cat would not get along in such close quarters), there are many benefits to miniature dwellings.

When writing a press release, you can learn a lot from these efficient homeowners.

If you're wondering what press releases and tiny houses have to do with one another, the answer is "simple."

Cut the Clutter

The most obvious benefit tiny homes offer is the motivation to get rid of excess.

A house with a loft bed over the kitchen doesn't leave room for extra throw pillows, grandma's old tuba, or even last week's junk mail.

Keeping only the necessities in your house – or press release – frees you up to focus on what really matters.

It may be tempting to jam as much as possible into your release, but cluttered writing leads to jumbled ideas, run-on sentences, and lack of clarity.

Eliminate unnecessary information so that readers can connect quickly and easily with your message.

Simple ≠ Low Quality

Although a tiny home is as simple as it gets, it's important to note that simple does not mean low quality.

Owners of tiny homes often look at them as investments in their future. In the same way, you have to be willing to dedicate time and resources to your content.

This means reassessing your goals every time you prepare a press release for distribution and investing in the right tools to achieve them. An embedded video or infographic may require more effort, but showing your story with multimedia can be much more straight-forward and effective than text-only content.

It's only when you drill down to your content's core purpose that you can understand what investments in content creation and distribution will return the best results.


Customized Content Always Wins

When building a house, there are general layouts that have proven time and time again to serve owners well. However, it's the small touch here and bit of flair there that make each tiny house the perfect tiny home.

While a press release template can be a very useful starting point, you must customize your content to achieve its individual goal.

What works best for a personnel announcement may not be the same as what will grab attention when announcing a new product. Each release is different and should be treated as such.

As you plan out a new press release, consider how your headline and formatting need to be adjusted and what kind of multimedia or distribution is best suited for your topic.

Then take it a step further: Is what you're doing better than other press releases about your topic? What can you do to make yours stand out?

Travel Farther with Earned Media

Many tiny house owners choose to downsize because it opens up doors to other things, like traveling the world.

Similarly, your message will gain more ground when you focus on aligning your press release with your audience’s needs.

Journalists, influencers and customers alike don't have a lot of time to walk through every press release they encounter. Boost your earned media potential by making your content easy to find, consume and share.

Download our white paper Driving Credibility & Success for Your Brand: How to Earn More Media for more press release writing and distribution tips. Amplifying your message across multiple media channels will increase your reach and revenue.

Author Stephanie Marsh is a customer content specialist based in Cleveland. PR Newswire’s Customer Content Services team is available 24/7 to counsel brands on content distribution. Stephanie enjoys traveling, going to concerts, and sampling the great food scene Cleveland offers. She also spends a significant amount of time breaking up fights between her cat and dog in her normal-sized house.

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