Saturday, April 30, 2016

April StorInt Newsletter, latest ESRP performance and IBM FlashSystem A9000/R, DS8888, & V7000F/V5000F announcements

In this month's newsletter, we publish our review of the latest Microsoft Exchange storage performance results and discuss IBM FlashSystem A9000/A9000R, DS8888 and Storwize V7000F/V5000F announcements.
Latest ESRP performance report 

We review the 1000 and under mailbox category which has had two new submissions since we last reviewed this category and most of our top ten charts have been changed.  Read the report to learn more.  
IBM announces new FlashSystem A9000, FlashSystem A9000R, DS8888, and Storwize V7000F/V5000F all flash storage systems 

IBM has just added Spectrum Accelerate (XIV) storage grid functionality to their FlashSystem900 storage systems in both a single grid element configuration and a rack configuration. Also, IBM has announced release of their DS8888 all flash storage they previewed last fall and has updated the SSDs for their Storwize V7000F and V5000F storage systems.   Read the report to learn more. 
RayOnStorage top blog post(s)
At FAST'16 conference a couple of months ago, Google researchers published some interesting results from their millions of days of SSD use in their data center environments. They mostly use PCIe flash storage but their results probably look similar to SATA and SAS SSD use for most other vendors. There's good news and bad news but you need to read the post find out more.
 Greybeards talk with Lee Caswell and Dave Wright of NetApp - Dave's company SolidFire has recently been acquired by NetApp and we wanted to find out more of what's going on these days. It's an unusually large acquisition for NetApp given their history and this seems to be a turning point for them. Dave's been on the show in the past but this is the first time for NetApp and for Lee. Listen to the podcast to learn more...  

What you may have missed last month

No new SPECsfs2014 activity so we are showing another of our seldom seen charts on SPECsfs2008 data, this one a bubble chart of throughput, ORT and capacity. Read the report to learn more.

Pure announced two new systems the FlashBlade scale-out, all flash file and object storage system and a new FlashArray//m10 for small-to-medium enterprise data centers.  FlashBlade is a new hardware implementation, which uses NAND chips and a new Elasticity OS to support up to 15 storage blades in a chassis and can connect multiple chassis together into a single storage cluster. The //m10 is a reduced version of their current FlashArray solutions.  Read the report to learn more.

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Friday, April 29, 2016

[New Post] Content We Love: KAYAK’s Data Storytelling Hacks Summer



Content We Love: KAYAK's Data Storytelling Hacks Summer

Ryan Hansen

Content We Love Kayak

Where to go, how to get there and what to do are just a few things that travelers think about when planning an escape.

In the past, would-be travelers leaned solely on paperback destination guides and magazines. Today’s tourists, on the other hand, can also turn to search engines and mobile devices to provide insight on the go.

With this in mind, KAYAK, the world’s leading travel search engine, used their proprietary data to create the 2016 Summer Travel Hacker Guide that lays out the where, when, and how of your summer plans.

KAYAK data scientists looked within their analytics to uncover destinations that are trending (those seeing the greatest increase in searches) and popular (cities with the most overall searches). Working with travel experts, they aligned these findings with practical advice.

“We analyzed data from our one billion annual searches to empower travelers and equip them with the information they need to book the summer getaway that is right for them,” says David Solomito, North America Brand Director for KAYAK.  “Between low prices at the pump and a strong U.S. dollar, savvy travelers can score a great deal this summer, whether they’re traveling abroad or staying closer to home.”


KAYAK handled their content release much like their digital guide. For those looking for a quick read, the release stands on its own as a piece of educational and entertaining content.

In the release, KAYAK broke their data out to create four distinct categories of summer travelers.

  • The Trendsetter: Here, search data showed destinations that were receiving the greatest year-over-year summer search increases. With that in mind, who doesn’t want to be a trendsetter and be the first in their group of friends to discover something up and coming?
  • The Opportunist: When it comes to travel, many of us want to be savvy, saving money while still visiting some place amazing. For the deal-seeker, KAYAK is recommending vacation spots where travelers will reap the benefits of a positive currency exchange in some of the world’s most scenic places.
  • The Maverick: For the nontraditional individual, we have nontraditional travel. The maverick is someone who comes back to the office from vacation and you politely ask, “You went where…? WOW!” Visiting Old Man Winter in the Southern Hemisphere during our hot summer months is sure to turn heads.
  • The Road Tripper: Is there anything more American or family-oriented than the road trip? Maybe you have a car full of kids in tow, or just a few days off of work, the road trip is perfect for many different types of getaways.

The press release takes it further by pairing each travel profile with a tip about booking the best deal. And if a reader wants to learn more, links takes curious travelers to each category’s section on the full guide’s website.

Giving potential travelers something intriguing to relate to makes the hard numbers more approachable. It is one thing to tell someone the percentage of travelers heading to a certain destination, versus naming them “The Maverick” and setting a course for some place off the beaten path.

Whoever said data wasn’t fun may need to rethink their statement and their travel plans.

For your press release to succeed, you must reach your audience with the information they need, when they need it. Download the Buyer 2.0 Content Strategy Checklist and learn how to plan out content your audience will love.

Author Ryan Hansen (@RPH2004) manages social media at PR Newswire, sharing the latest PR, marketing and social media trends across our networks. See what he's up to around the PR Newswire offices by following @PRNewswire on Instagram.

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