Friday, January 15, 2016

[New Post] Content We Love: Maps Year of Travel for Deal – and Data – Lovers



Content We Love: Maps Year of Travel for Deal – and Data – Lovers

Priscilla Ramirez

Booking Year of Thrifty Travel Infographic

For many of us, the new year means a reset of vacation time. With a brand new slate of time off, it's only fitting to start planning trips for the year.

However, taking off of work is not usually the most important factor to consider when making travel plans. That's right, it's money.

What could be more helpful than a handy guide of the best places to travel on a budget? has done just that with The Deal Hunter’s Guide to a Year of Thrifty Travel in 2016. tapped its data specialists to research cities' popularity, upcoming events and temperatures, as well as the average price per night of local four star accommodations. They then took this research and created a month-by-month itinerary of the best places to visit for a range of budgets.

“Our travelers are looking for a variety of places to stay, whether that be a traditional hotel or a luxury yacht,” says Todd Dunlap, Director of the Americas, “The one thing that remains consistent when it comes to making the final decision, is whether it falls within budget. The pricing plan will help travelers make smart financial decisions when booking their next trip.”

As we see in this and many other Content We Love installments, analytics can lead PR and marketing teams to interesting brand stories.

Data alone isn't enough, though. While data is at the heart of this content, is ultimately successful because of the content's execution.

Modern Marketing Fulcrum

Focused on a specific customer persona: In 10 Habits Every Content Marketer Needs to Break in 2016, Amanda Hicken reminds us that considering your audience's actual needs over those of your brand can make the difference between acceptable and outstanding results. By focusing on a specific customer type (travelers on a budget),'s release was able to offer concrete advice that’s more relevant and valuable than generic travel tips.

Unique and newsworthy: Focused, specific content is appealing not just to customers, but also to journalists and other influencers who are on the lookout for a unique story.'s press release stood out and led to earned media like this TravelPulse article by offering two timely and newsworthy angles. It embraced people’s desire to resolve to travel more and offered expertise on making that dream a reality.

Easy to repackage and repurpose: boosted visibility by repackaging their press release text in an infographic. The information in the graphic is concise, beautifully designed and extremely shareable – a great way to spread’s message and drive more traffic back to their home page. Additionally, the graphic’s breakdown of locations by month creates the potential for follow-up pieces throughout the year that explore each month's hotspot in greater detail.

No matter your industry or target audience, taking advantage of the unique resources and data available to you in your field is a crucial step toward developing high-quality content.

However, the way that information is analyzed, packaged and shared is even more important. When executed right, it can prove very effective in demonstrating the value you provide and ultimate drive revenue.

For additional tips on perfecting your data-driven content, download Balancing Content & Big Data to Power PR Results for the various types of data you're able to collect and how to leverage that data in order to maximize ROI.

Author Priscilla Ramirez is a customer success representative for channel and advocacy marketing at PR Newswire.

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

[New Post] 2016 Public Relations Trends: Are You Ready for What #PRisNow? [SlideShare]



2016 Public Relations Trends: Are You Ready for What #PRisNow? [SlideShare]

Victoria Harres


Change is inevitable. For the sake of progress, change is absolutely essential.

If you've worked in PR longer than a couple of years you've likely thought about how different your job was two years ago, let alone five or ten years ago. So much has changed about how we do our job and what is expected from us, and it continues to change.

A few months ago PR Newswire asked PR professionals what they thought PR is now, which was a follow up to a similar question we posed in 2012. As in 2012, we were inundated with great responses from the public relations community.

After unveiling the new infographic, we continued to consider your responses. Some of them made immediate sense and were not unexpected, but others – like the response "PR is Relationships" — begged for further reflection.


Although relationships with the media have always been an important part of public relations, PR now has a much stronger position in building relationships with the public and consumers.

Channels such as Twitter, Facebook and company blogs offer brands the opportunity to directly realize and foster these relationships. They also open up new venues for maintaining relationships with the media.

Of course, the key to good relationships hasn't changed. It's about respect, and that means understanding the needs of your audiences before pushing things at them.

PRO TIP: Thoroughly research the personas that make up the audiences you create content for and media you pitch. Tools might include Google analytics, search engines, social search, and a quality media database with up-to-date profiles for journalists and bloggers. Take a look at our guide Gain Targeted Audience Attention with PR Newswire for questions you need to ask to better understand your audience.


In 1982, the Public Relations Society of America defined public relations as a function that helps an organization connect with its community. Although the definition was updated in 2012, marketing was still barely mentioned.

However, as many of your responses to #PRisNow showed, today’s public relations professionals are playing a direct role in driving leads into the marketing funnel through thought-leadership content.

PRO TIP: Measure audience behavior and follow your leads through the buyer's journey for a clear understanding of what your audience seeks. There’s no room for guessing.  As we explore in How to A/B Test Your Press Release Strategy, analytics are invaluable when planning content.


To be part of the marketing machine that connects clearly to revenue, your practice of public relations must be driven by data and demonstrate bottom-line impact.

It's not enough to measure impressions, you have to be able to track leads coming through your calls to action and follow them through the buyer’s journey.

PRO TIP: Clear, accurate and actionable data will make or break you. Familiarize yourself with your organization's marketing automation software and learn how to create trackable links for the calls to action in your press releases, social media, and other strategic channels. Download Balancing Content & Big Data to Power PR Results for more tips on metrics PR should be reporting.


Another frequently cited response to #PRisNow had to do with multichannel. As a matter of fact, when we promoted PR is Now campaign we used a multichannel approach that combined owned, earned, and paid media, as well as word-of-mouth marketing.

We sent out a press release (of course), wrote about it on our blog Beyond PR, posted it to our social media accounts, emailed clients and asked our sales and editorial teams to ask customers what they thought PR is now. We treat all promotions and campaigns in this manner.

PRO TIP: We've found that a staggered approach to multichannel promotion will yield best results. Experiment with your channels’ sequence and timing to find out what works best for your content. Click here to learn how to maximize your message’s potential with a multichannel plan.


Digital media means the world now functions in — and expects your organization to function in — real-time.

This can be a very positive thing when it comes to engaging with influencers and customers and adjusting tactics as needed during a campaign. However, it also has a negative side.

Situations don't wait to escalate during normal business hours and they don't have designated channels. It could be a question on Twitter in the middle of the night, a troll commenting on your Facebook page during the weekend, a phone call that is answered by the new-hire, or perhaps a very upset customer who emails your general information inbox with an urgent issue during a holiday.

Doing business today demands that someone is always available to deal with things that have the potential to escalate and become problematic. A crisis can crop up quickly and spiral out of control even quicker via real-time channels like Twitter.

PRO TIP: Establish multiple plans of action ahead of time so that employees who manage social channels, monitor group inboxes, or are critical points of contact know how to immediately identify, seek advice and handle issues when they arise.

Of course these are only a few of the trends noted in your response to our #PRisNow campaign. Check out the rest of them and learn more about preparing for PR’s future with our companion SlideShare deck PR Trends for 2016.

Victoria Harres is vice president, strategic communications and content at PR Newswire. She was the original twitterer on @PRNewswire and continues as part of that team. If she's not at her desk, you'll find her in the garden.

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