Wednesday, December 30, 2015

[New Post] 5 Must-Watch Webinars to Revitalize Your Marketing and PR



5 Must-Watch Webinars to Revitalize Your Marketing and PR

Chelsea Kiko

PR and Marketing Webinars to Watch

In today’s crowded and competitive content landscape, stagnation can be dangerous.

PR and marketing practitioners have to keep learning and building out their skill sets, or risk being left behind.

Fortunately, attending webinars can be an excellent (and often free!) way to expand your expertise.

Webinars cater to both visual and audio learners’ needs; they offer the opportunity to hear from industry experts without having to travel; and when an archived recording is provided, they enable attendees to learn on their own time.

Of course, as with any other type of educational content, there are a lot of webinars to choose from and it can be easy to miss out.

The good news: We’ve gone through our 2015 webinars and selected five of the best for your viewing and listening pleasure.

From learning how to write press releases that get discovered online to measuring your content’s success, the below list offers a few ways to spend your free time between now and the new year. And if you’re too busy toasting 2015, bookmark this post and make a resolution to watch the webinars that best fit your needs in 2016.

Balancing Content & Data to Power PR Results: The webinar to watch when you’re hearing a lot of talk about "data," but struggled with math in college.

Content cannot be successful without the right data used to measure it – reporting the right numbers to your boss is just as important as the content you create. Learn how to interpret data and use reporting to not just justify, but also inform your content marketing plan.

Press Releases that Stand Out in the Digital Age: The webinar to watch (and share) when someone tells you press releases are dead.

Press releases are among the most widely used tools that PR professionals can employ to earn media coverage and tell their story to their audiences. And yet, even within the industry, there are a surprising number of misconceptions about them.

Learn how to create press releases that not just grab journalists’ and customers’ attention, but also drive traffic and leads, and ultimately contribute to revenue.

How to Find Your Blog’s Focus and Avoid Blogger Burn Out: The webinar to watch when you want to convince your CEO to blog.

A brand blog can be a great resource for attracting new audiences and showcasing your employees’ expertise, passion and writing skills. However, blogs can also be very challenging to successfully launch, maintain and promote. Three long-time bloggers share their secrets for keeping blog content interesting so you can reap the ultimate benefits of having a blog.

You Had Me at Hello. Tips for Building Relationships with InfluencersThe webinar to watch when you want journalists to take you seriously.

Many communications professionals overlook the importance of having a solid relationship with journalists in their industry. Trust, transparency and mutual engagement are just a few characteristics that journalists need from communications professionals.

Tune into this webinar to learn how to re-think your media relations strategy with a personalized approach that fosters credibility.

Crisis Communications Planning in the Social Media Age: The webinar to watch when you never think a crisis will happen to you, until it does.

"As communicators we deal with crisis all the time. If we do our jobs well, most people won't know they ever happened," said Victoria Harres, PR Newswire’s VP of Strategic Communications and Content, during this webinar.

With social and digital media platforms instantly reporting news, it’s important to have a thorough plan in place for handling crises. Learn how to create and implement your crisis management plan so that your brand can effectively – and transparently – communicate with customers and stakeholders when a crisis does happen.


We can’t wait to bring you a brand-new slate of webinars in 2016. Follow @PRNewswire and @PRNEvents for up-to-date webinar schedules and registration links so you don't miss out on the great content and speakers we’re featuring next year!

Author Chelsea Kiko is PR Newswire's events and digital marketing coordinator. Follow her at @ckiko47.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

[New Post] The Best Public Relations Tips of 2015



The Best Public Relations Tips of 2015

Danielle Capriato

Best of Public Relations Tips Final

The countdown concludes! As the year comes to a close, we’ve compiled the best practices you need to know for 2016. Get more tips in our Best of 2015 series.

If I were asked to describe the current state of public relations, I would choose one word: Dynamic.

The industry is one of constant change. PR pros are faced with new challenges and have consistently risen to the occasion — turning challenges into opportunities for learning and growth.

This year, we’ve watched as PR continues to evolve and as its practitioners strive to develop new ideas, methods, technologies and strategies to meet the rising demands we are facing.

Keep reading for some of our top blog posts, white papers, and other content about public relations from the past year.

6 Brand Stories the Media Wants That You're Probably Not Telling

Media relations continues to be an important tool in the PR practitioners’ toolbox, and telling the right story is the key to earning coveted editorial coverage.

That means telling a story that is not the standard company profile. This blog post breaks down the types of stories journalists, bloggers and other influencers want to hear from your brand.

New PR Approaches for Outbound Communications Strategies

Leveraging owned and social channels to communicate with a known and established audience allows brands to maintain their market presence. However, in order to grow, public relations practitioners must spread their message beyond that existing footprint and attract new audiences.

This white paper discusses how to use all available communications channels to get your brands’ or clients’ stories in front of evolving audiences.

How to Turn Your Data Into Stories

Data and statistics can lend credibility to your content, offer actionable insight to readers, and give journalists and other influencers valuable information to work with. But numbers alone aren’t enough to drive your story.

Learn how to turn cold, hard data into a story that will better resonate with your audiences and get the attention of the media.

Pitch Perfect: Tips for a Media Outreach Strategy That Sings

Journalists, bloggers and other influencers can provide invaluable reach and credibility for your company's story when they share it with their audience. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to distinguish yourself from the hundreds and thousands of pitches landing in a journalist’s inbox each day.

That’s why it's more important than ever to hone your pitching strategy. This list covers five things to keep in mind as you prepare your media outreach.

What Does a PR Professional Do?

From media outreach to crisis management to writing press releases and other content, a day in the life of a PR pro can be often busy, sometimes stressful, and rarely fully understood.

Share this post about PR practitioners’ responsibilities with your friends and family outside the field, so they can get a taste of the daily grind.

5 Tips to Channel the PR Force #LikeAJedi

If your friends are still asking questions about your job, just tell them you’re a Jedi–a Public Relations Jedi.

This blog post describes the journey of a PR Jedi, with tips on how to channel the Force when working with journalists, building relationships on social media, and finding the right angle for your press release.

Content We Love: Show Off Your Earnings With Multimedia

Even financial earnings releases are experiencing an evolution, as companies start exploring the use of dynamic, multimedia elements to accompany their more traditional business news.

Here we examine how one company — Sanofi — used a multimedia-rich microsite in conjunction with a standard earnings release, proving that engaging multimedia can truly make all content stand out.

The Future of PR Is Now [Infographic] 

PR Newswire recently asked customers and industry professionals to fill in the blank: “PR is now ____.” and share how public relations has changed since we originally released our popular #PRis infographic in 2012.

Thoughts on the past, present and future of PR ranged from insight on relationships and reputation management to the drive to meet business goals and impact bottom line results.

Check out some of the responses in the gallery below, then catch up on all of our other ‘Best of 2015’ installments and have a wonderful New Year!

Danielle Capriato is the manager of strategic communications at PR Newswire. Follow her on Twitter @dcapriato.

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