Tuesday, December 22, 2015

[New post] (Storage QoW 15-003): Will we see SMR disks in GA enterprise storage systems over the next 12 months?

Ray posted: "SMR refers to very high density (10TM), shingled magnetic recording (SMR) hard disk devices. GA means generally available for purchase by any customer. Enterprise storage systems refers to mid-range and enterprise class storage systems from major AND no"

[New post] (Storage-QoW 15-002) 3D TLC NAND GA in major vendor storage next year – NO 0.3

Ray posted: "(Storage-QoW 15-002): Will 3D TLC NAND be GA'd in major storage products in 12 months? No@0.53 probability Splitting up the QoW into more answerable questions: A) Will any vendor be shipping 3D TLC NAND SSDs/PCIe cards over the next 9 months? Samsung will"